Calls for  pitching

Intergy corp with its investing networks inviting entrepreneur for early stages of a new business project or start-up in Indonesia.

Invited startup field of industry





Please submit your business and founder profile to get in touch with our
investor networks.

Connect with Us

Updates for any opportunities trough our corporate news and information

Investor Representative :
Priority office, Menara Dang Merdu - Bank Riau Kepri 2nd floor, Pekanbaru, Riau - Indonesia

Registered Address :

PT. Intergy Indonesia
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Simpang Raya Indah H2/2 Batam Kota, Batam Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia

Phone : +62 812 1895 3810
Email  :

Get Connect :
Jakarta Office &
Training Center :
  • PT. Intergy Indonesia
  • Technology Business Incubation Center (TBIC) Puspiptek-BRIN, Gedung 10.1, Pengasinan, Gunung Sindur ,
  • Kab. Bogor , Jawa Barat, Indonesia.
